Having trouble navigating the complex and confusing world of administering a grant?...
Let Triad navigate that world for you, with our superior grant administration services.
The Key Component to ensuring a project’s success is to guarantee the program is efficiently and properly administered.
Triad’s suite of grant implementation services includes managing approved projects, focusing on strict compliance with regulations and project completion, on time and within budget. Triad’s Team possesses the relevant industry experience necessary to ensure efficient project implementation. We work with our clients to provide grantors with unmatched reporting, reimbursement requests, and overall grant administrative services.
Our Team has a proven track record of implementing grants and fostering positive relationships with funding agencies that allow for the favorable review of future grant applications.
Implementation Services:
- Grant Implementation Services
- Water and Sewer Improvement Implementation
- Publishing policies and procedures manuals
- Implementation and management of revolving loan funds and grant programs
- Community Development Block Grant and HOME Programs
- Preparation of Performances Reports (CAPERS)
- Assistance with IDIS Reporting/Environmental Assessment and Review
- Establishment and Review of Performance Standards
- Marketing Communications Planning and Implementation
- Project Administration and Implementation
- Property Acquisition
- Housing Rehabilitation

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) established TIGER discretionary grants to fund capital investments in surface transportation infrastructure. These grants are awarded to projects that have a significant impact on the entire country, a metropolitan area or a specific region. The 2016 TIGER grant program focuses on capital projects that boost economic development and improve access to safe and affordable transportation for urban and rural communities.
Triad was brought on to help South Jersey Port Corporation (SJPC), Conrail and Salem County implement a TIGER III grant they received in September 2013. The grant is being used to make critical infrastructure improvements to the South Jersey Port Corporation’s Paulsboro Marine Terminal, a state of the art shipment facility and one of the busiest in the Mid-Atlantic region. The grant will also go toward several Conrail and Salem County projects, including replacing the bridge deck and wire ropes on the Delair Bridge and replacing spans and structure components on Oldmans Trestle and several portions of the Salem Running Track. Between the three partners, there are thirteen projects currently being completed in two counties.
Thanks to Triad’s implementation, DOT awarded an additional $5 million dollars toward the project. As a result, funding increased from $18 million to $23 million.