We believe all communities should offer safe, affordable housing for residents.
Triad is an approved affordable housing administrative agent for local municipalities and developers in New Jersey. We’ve assisted in the development of over 1,000 units of affordable housing in New Jersey and Pennsylvania through HOPE VI, HMFA Home Ownership program, low income housing tax credits, HUD 202 program, mixed-use and special needs.
We have assisted communities and developers in addressing COAH compliance through such programs as the Market to Affordable Program. Addressing the growing Abandoned Housing challenges is a top priority for both Triad and our clients. We are actively developing an expanding list of strategies to address these concerns through related programs.
Triad is well versed in the administration of programs for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), including Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships programs. These funds allow homeowners to apply for desperately needed funding to make home repairs and correct code violations, providing for a more sustainable community for years to come.
Our affordable housing programs provide communities with the resources they need to help residents get back on their feet. We are passionate about helping families find homes that they can enjoy for years to come.
Housing Program Services:
- Administrative Agent / COAH Services
- Affordable Housing Development
- Affordable Housing Administration
- Affordable Housing Tax Credit
- Housing Program Design, Implementation and Management
- Affordable Housing Program Development
- Technical Assistance and Training
- Community Lending Support
- Records Management
- Technical Assistance
- Resident Outreach, Intake and Financial Processing
- Case Management
- Project Management to ensure program compliance
- Documentation services providing manuals for rental and for sale units
- Ensure program satisfaction among residents
Housing Rehabilitation Opportunities
For Cumberland County, NJ | Pennsville, NJ | Wildwood, NJ
Deferred loans are available for to assist property owners in need of code related repairs as well as weatherization needs:
- Electric
- Plumbing
- Heating
- Roof
- Structural Issues
- Windows
- Doors
- Handrails
- Steps
- Smoke Detectors
- Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detectors
Return Completed Form To:
Triad Associates
Attn.: Angela Galante
1301 West Forest Grove Road
Vineland, NJ 08360
FAX this application to 856-690-5622
Additions and interior decorating are not eligible.
Homeowner Eligibility
- Must Be A Full-Time Resident
- Real Estate Taxes And Municipal Utilities Must Be Current
- Homeowner's And Flood Insurance Must Be Valid (If Applicable)
- Gross Annual HOUSEHOLD Income Must Be Less Than 80% Of The Median Income Limit
- Property Cannot Have An Existing Lien
Property owners who wish to apply, should contact Becky Conway:
Phone: (856) 690-9590 x101
Email: bconway@triadincorporated.com
Case Studies
As part of the Borough of West CapeMay’s Affordable Housing Plan, the Borough established, by ordinance, aprogram to allow the creation of accessory apartments, provided the rents of the units are affordable to very low, low, and moderate-income households...
As part of the Township of Willingboro's Affordable Housing Plan, the Township established a Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program to meet their Present Need obligation...
The Township of Edison has dedicated Affordable Housing Trust Funds to implement a Market to Affordable program in order to create rental units affordable to low and moderate income households...
In Brigantine, New Jersey, theMarket-to-Affordable Program purchased market rate units in designated neighborhoods and subsidize those units to make them available for sale as affordable housing, allowing the municipality to receive credits towards their affordable housing obligation...